mardi 8 avril 2014

Hepatitis A Virus contaminates polish frozen berries

France issued a notification at the European level (RASFF) on April 7th, 2014 on frozen berries from Poland, contaminated by hepatitis A Virus. The fruits have been distributed to France and Belgium.

Hepatitis A Virus : recurrent cases

In 2009, we were informing you about an Australian alert having impacted  Europe too, following a food poisoning due to the consumption of semi-dried tomatoes contaminated by the hepatitis A Virus.

In 2013, Fruits and vegetable in general (dattes, lettuces,
strawberries, blackberries) and in particular red fruits were involved in 38% of declared european notifications for a contamination with  food-borne viruses.

We were also informing you in Oct. 2013 about Frozen blackberries  contaminated by HAV (Hepatitis A Virus)

Hepatitis A Virus : Symptomatic and dangerous

According to ECDC : Hepatitis A is caused by the hepatitis A virus. Up to 90% of hepatitis A infection in children goes with no symptoms or without jaundice. Cases with jaundice, more common in adults, present with this symptom and also general symptoms (fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, etc.) which may last for several weeks. About 15% of patients have prolonged or relapsing symptoms over a 6–9-month period. No specific treatment is available, and patients recover spontaneously.

Hepatitis A Virus : European Recommendations

EC Regulations : The European parliament regulation CE 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs . Foodstuffs should not contain micro-organisms or their toxins or metabolites in quantities that present an unacceptable risk for human health. (Cf. CE 2073/2005).

Hygiene Package : Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 sets out food safety requirements. It requires that food must not be placed on the market if it is unsafe. Food shall be deemed to be unsafe if it is considered to be injurious to health & unfit for human consumption

EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) : Scientific Opinion on an update on the present knowledge on the occurrence and control of foodborne viruses

Hepatitis a Virus : Standardized Detection Methods

As soon as March 2013, Ceeram was informing you about International Standard (ISO/TS 15216) for the detection of food-borne viruses, and more specifically norovirus and hepatitis A Virus. Today, several laboratories in Europe offer the service, and some are even ISO 17025 accredited for the detection of food-borne viruses in food and drinking water.

Hepatitis A Virus : European Recommendations

Governments, through their respective Health Ministries,and because of an increase of contaminations, are giving precise recommendations to industrials and consumers. In Italy, where many cases occurred in 2013, the Health Ministry recommends :

Hepatitis A Virus : Solutions offered by Ceeram

Ceeram is a french laboratory specializing in emerging and/or atypical microbial agent identification by molecular methods. Ceeram offers :

  • Detection kits ceeramTools
  • Theoretical and practical Training
  • Assistance to Industrials for implementing the food and environmental viral risk in their HACCP plan
  • Validation and Qualification of Industrials processes with the mengovirus model
  • A network of laboratories trained by ceeram expert team to detect viruses in food and drinking water.
Ceeram will be attending the next IAFP European Symposia on Food Protection (IAFP European Symposium) and the Congress from ISFEV (International Society for Food and Environmental Virology)

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